This is a non-profitable map generator for the tabletop game Twilight Imperium 4.
We give you different templates, you select the generation mode, our algorythm generates a map string and,
finally, we offer you a link to the keeganw (***include link) map generator (whose front-end is awesome for us)
to visualize and the string for TTS.
We link templates (distributions of the map) with modes (random, balanced and conflictive); each of those
combinations is a template object with fixed hexagons (for example, usually Mecatol Rex at center) and variable
hexagons of certain type (blue or red hexagons).
We use some "providers" of hexagons, you can imagine as a pile of hexagons of a certain type shuffled, and the
process consists in iterating the template and filling the variable hexagon places with hexagons from the
All the three modes use the same basic structure of the map (with certain hexagons in fixed places and red and
blue positions) but they differ in the way they complete the blue positions.
Random mode shuffle all the unused blue hexagons and distribute randomly, which causes more unbalanced maps. For
the other two modes, we divide the blue hexagons in three sets in function of their quality (resources,
influence, tech...) and asign a certain set to each tile of the template.
The balanced mode uses a distribution with the most valuable systems in positions close to the home systems and
places less value hexagons in the disputed areas.
Conflictive mode is the opposite; in conflictive templates we place the most valuable systems in the disputed
areas and leave the less valuable ones to the peaceful zones.
Both modes create more balanced maps than random but differ in the incentives of conflict.
We use three tiers of blue systems: B1 the lowest, B2 and B3 the best. To assign the systems, we give them points following this criteria:
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